Being arrested or watching someone you love being carted off to jail is frightening and frustrating. Luckily, most folks in Armstrong County, PA, and surrounding counties qualify to be bailed out of jail within a short period of time after being booked thanks to a cheap bail bondsman in their area. Still, not everyone is so lucky. There are several reasons that bail can be denied, and a rundown of those reasons can help you understand why a judge decides to withhold the option for bail in some cases.

Defendant Accused of Serious Offense
If a crime is particularly heinous or severe, a judge may choose to disallow bail. This generally includes crimes such as armed robbery, rape, or homicide. When someone stands accused of a violent act that shows minimal regard for human life, judges may see the person as a risk to the general public and/or a risk for absconding. If bail is established at all, it is usually quite substantial.
Defendant Has a Poor Track Record
In today’s criminal court systems, bail is not a right—it is a privilege. If the defendant in a criminal case has a repeat history of failing to show up for court dates, the judge may feel that he is not taking his crimes seriously and may fail to appear in court. Keeping the defendant in jail ensures that he will be present for all of his pre-trial court appearances.
Defendant is a Flight Risk
When granting bail, the court is showing a high level of trust that the defendant will show back up in court. If the judge has reason to believe that a defendant will leave the country, then bail is often withheld. If a defendant has a history of fleeing to evade justice, then chances of having bail set are minimal.
Defendant is a Repeat Offender
Committing the same offense again and again shows the court that no lesson was learned from previous attempts at rehabilitation. This degrades trust in the defendant and lessens the chance of being bailed out.
Defendant is a Non-Citizen
If the defendant is in the country illegally or is not a citizen of the United States, it is general practice for judges to withhold bail. It is not uncommon for non-citizens to be deported back to their countries of origin for committing even non-serious offenses. Sometimes the defendant with non-citizen status is held in jail, and other times they are placed on hold by immigration until their trial has ended or the decision is made on whether or not to deport them.
Release of Defendant Poses Public Threat
And last of all, if releasing the defendant poses a threat to the public, then bail is withheld. This goes back to whether the crime was violent or if the judge has reason to believe that the defendant will harm others if released.
Loved one in need of bail? Trust Freedom Fast Bail Bonds for speedy, personalized bail bonds you can count on in Washington County, PA, and surrounding communities.